we are here to help

At ceilingsky, we are dedicated to standing out from the crowd by offering exceptional service and support. If you have a question or problem, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our technicians are knowledgeable, friendly, and eager to help.

{Current clients who need
technical support, have a
billing inquiry, or need any
other type of assistance}

If you are a current client who needs technical support, has a billing inquiry, or needs any other type of assistance, you must open a ticket via our client support area, MySky.

 Click here to access your MySky account.

Question :: Why must I open a ticket via the client support area? Why can’t I just send an email?

Answer :: The client support area can only be accessed by means of a username and password. This gives us some assurance that the person requesting support is authorized to do so. We can’t discuss details of your account via email because it is not secure. Thank you for helping us keep your account safe!

If you cannot gain access to your client area, please contact us via the form below.


Is “knowledgebase” one word or two? We may never know.
While we can’t answer this question, we can provide answers to many others:
  tutorials & resources     Tips on how to get started     Fixes for common problems

Visit Knowledgebase

{Contact Form}